Bless This Baby

One of the wonderful responsibilities I have at the Manhattan Church of Christ is writing baby dedications.  Every time I write one I cry.  I don’t usually cry in the service – generally adrenaline keeps me from crying – but in the quietness of my office (or my bedroom or a diner or the library or Starbucks) when I’m writing the words of blessing for a brand new baby, I always tear up.  There is something so sacred, and so moving, about asking God to hold, guide and bless this innocent little creature.The part that moves me the most is the blessing of the sibilings, and the relationship between the baby and his or her siblings.  My emotion may come from the fact that I have awesome siblings and I can’t imagine my life without them.  But acutally I think there’s something else.  When we ask God give them the grace to be "friends, companions and confidants on a journey of grace throughout their lives,“ we’re acknowledging that the adults in the room, specifically the child’s parents, aren’t always going to be there.  That one day these very young children will be the ones together caring for their aging parents and burying their parents together.Okay, maybe I’m not really thinking all of that, but it’s true, isn’t it? Hopefully, barring tragic interference, one day the liturgy will be turned around that the children will the ones standing together asking God’s blessings on their parents.  As slow as those early newborn weeks feel, the days start to go quickly, flying beat by beat from one ceremony to the next – baby dedications and graduations and weddings and funerals.  And in a family blessed with peace among sibilings, they are able journey much of life together.So Blythe and Audrey, I do pray that God will give you a true and lasting friendship, that you may travel the journey of life together.  Precious children, beloved of God.Our full baby dedication text (individualized for each family) is included below.  Feel free to use it in your own contextimage

We are here today to thank God for this precious child, {Baby Name}.  We are also here to support her parents, {parents’ names}, in the wonderful responsibilities of parenthood. God became one of us in Jesus, and understands all that surrounds the arrival and upbringing of children. It is God’s plan for children to experience the security of love in a family, so that as they grow they may come to know the eternal love of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

Let us pray. God our creator, we thank you for the wonder of new life and for the joy and mystery of human love. We thank you and praise you for the birth of {baby name}.  We thank you for all whose support and skill have surrounded and sustained the beginning of his/her life.  We thank you that s/he is known to you by name and loved by you from all eternity. 

We pray your blessing on {parents’ names}. Renew their commitment to each other, dear Lord. May they be lovingly bound together in all circumstances.  May they know true joy as together they love and nurture {baby name}.  We pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

{Parents’ names}, may God bless you and give you the grace to love and care for each other, as well as for {children’s names}. May God give you patience, gentleness, and faithfulness, the fruit of the Holy Spirit who will guide you and empower you for the journey ahead.  

{Sibling name}, your mom told me that you are going to help your sister/brther grow and learn about all kinds of important things, especially…  She is so blessed to have you to teach her all of those things!

Let’s pray together thanking God for your sister {Baby Name}.

Gracious God, we pray your blessing on {sibling}.  We thank you for giving her a baby sister, and we thank you that {baby name} has an older brother/sister who loves him/her.  May they grow in wisdom and faith.  May they be friends, companions and confidants on a journey of grace throughout their lives.  In Jesus’s name we pray.  Amen.

The Lord has placed this family in our community of faith. We ask today that God will bless our congregation. May we embody God’s grace and may the light of Christ shine through us into the world around us. 

As a body of your people, we pledge our love and support to {name family members}. We renew our commitment to the unity of the Holy Spirit, that {baby name} may experience the love of Christ in our love for each other.

As Jesus took children in his arms and blessed them, so now we ask God to bless {Baby Name}.  Gracious God, we pray your blessing on {Baby Name}.  The world will never be the same now that s/he is in it, and we thank you for the potential that is his/hers through your love.  We can only imagine the plans you have for him/her and we pray that s/he will delight in the discovery of her/his gifts and purpose.  

Bless his/her development with grace and strength, and protect him/her from injury, illness and harm.  By the work of your Holy Spirit and the loving guidance of her parents, lead her/him in your ways.  

Surround her/him with your power. Anoint her/him to your glory.  Lengthen her/him days to many, many years that s/he may know your love and grace all days of her/his life.

{Baby Name}, you are given by God, blessed by God, and dedicated to God.  May God’s love always surround you.  May the peace of Christ be your constant companion.  May the power of the Holy Spirit fill you with strength for an abundant and joyful life.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.




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