Hello, I’m Amy and this is my little corner of the world wide web! Thanks for visiting.
So about me... My name is Amy Bost-Henegar (which rhymes with “lost vinegar”). I'm a pastor, writer, teacher and preacher. My favorite topic to think/write/preach about are the stories of Jesus. Jesus was remarkable in the way he treated people. He surrounded himself with those the society deemed to be of little value -- the poor, the sick, "sinners" like tax collectors and prostitutes. What is more, Jesus was absolutely revolutionary in the way he treated women. In a culture that saw them as property, he saw them as people. In a world where women weren't even trusted to testify in court, Jesus treated them as smart and creative and powerful. He talked to them, ate with them, worked with them. He knew them as people and called them to think deeply, to believe passionately and to act accordingly.I love to imagine how faith in this Jesus can shape our modern lives. What in the world do these ancient stories have to do with us, with our iPhones and air travel? But I believe they are actually intensely relevant to our lives, if we read them carefully and ask the right questions. So that's what I try to do.
So thanks for being here! I'm honored by your presence. May my words of my mouth and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, Oh Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer.