Middle School Graduation

Today, my boy, my Aidan, graduates from middle school.
It seems small.  What is a middle school graduation after all? It’s not even high school. certainly not college. 
But he’s been a boy. For 14 years he’s been our boy and he truly leaves this school to become a man. 
Today he has a boy's face and a boy's body and a boy's mind, but the next time he graduates he will have a man's face, body, and much more of a man's mind.
Our years at TCS have been a surprise blessing in our lives. We never could have asked for or orchestrated the educational and faith community we received at Chapel. I really do feel that today he leaves a safe, small world and moves out to make his way in a much bigger world. 
God of love and mercy, protect my boy. My first born. The child that made me a mother and has filled my heart with joy every day for almost fourteen years. Protect him. Walk every step with him. Never let him go.  

Lord, in Your Mercy

